MacFarlane Park

MacFarlane Park has been the much loved green spine of the Shirley neighbourhood since 1946 when it was created as part of state housing development of the "Emmett block". Today it is a thriving community space which residents feel ownership and guardianship of, and work closely with Christchurch City Council to keep current and well maintained. 

In 2024 the Council commissioned a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design report for the northern park which you can see here. The 2008 Shirley MacFarlane Park Concept Plan by Di Lucas also has useful history, community views and future options.

Below is a description of the three sections of the park, what is happening in them and ideas we have heard from locals about further development they'd like to happen.

Northern MacFarlane Park (Acheson Ave to Emmett St)


Existing features:

·  Sports fields used for rugby league in winter and touch rugby in summer

·  Children’s playground

·  Basketball court

·  MacFarlane Park Centre

·  Toilets (need upgrade)

·  Newly replaced "big belly" rubbish bin

Proposed features:

·      Extension of footpath to create full loop around northern park for walking, running, bikes, scooters

·      Exercise equipment

·      New toilets with mural

 ·     BBQ/picnic area, seats, additional bike parking


Middle MacFarlane Park (Jebson St to Acheson Ave)


Existing features:

·  Birdsong Trail (native plantings)


Proposed features:

·      Continue native planting

·      Acknowledge the wetland origins of the land

Southern MacFarlane Park (Riselaw St to Jebson St)


Existing features:

·  MacFarlane Park Community Garden with pergola, picnic table, public toilets

·  Murals

·  Slackline Park (repurposed flying fox play area)

·  Children's Little Library


Proposed features:

·      Nature Play area

·      Mud kitchen

·      Bike stand