Regular events:
Listening Post, MacFarlane Park Community Garden, 2:30-4pm Mondays weather permitting
Employment drop in Wednesdays 10:30am-12pm at Neighbourhood Centre. For more info or to make an appointment for another time contact / 027 581 2555.
Kapa Haka Wednesdays 5:15-6:15pm, MacFarlane Park Centre, followed by kai and te reo class. For more info contact / 021 125 7846.
Sewing Circle 10am - 12pm Thursdays in yellow bin weeks, Neighbourhood Centre. Sewing machines available, bring your project to work on, hand sewers welcome too. contact / 027 581 2555.
Womens group 12:30-2pm Thursdays in red bin weeks. For more information contact / 022 103 8351.
Tool Shed open Saturdays 9-11am, 33 Briggs Rd. $30 for a new annual membership, $20 for renewal. Borrow from the hundreds of useful items for indoor and outdoor jobs.